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    | What is ISAO | Apakah ISAO itu? |


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"Lebih baik merendahkan diri dengan orang yang rendah hati daripada membagi rampasa dengan orang congkak."
Kita perlu untuk jujur terhadap satu sama lain dalam menceritakan pelanggaran dan juga kemenangan kita. Saat kita bersikap tulus dan transparan terhadap orang lain, kita memberi mereka kemerdekaan untuk "membuka topeng mereka" di hadapan kita.

Amsal 16:19




Pembaruan Karismatik Katolik telah menjadi karunia istimewa dari Roh Kudus kepada Gereja untuk membaruinya. Buku ini adalah panduan yang sangat berguna bagi setiap orang untuk memahami sifat asli dari Pembaruan Karismatik Katolik. Pada hari ini, tanggal 16 Oktober, hari peringatan Baptisan saya, dengan sangat bersukacita  saya merekomendasikan buku ini kepada para gembala umat dan para pemimpin Pembaruan agar supaya dapat membantu mereka di dalam membimbing gerakan itu pada arah yang benar di dalam keuskupan dan daerah mereka. ... [more info]


Telah tersusun PEDOMAN DASAR dengan kepanitiaan yang diketuai oleh Romo Antonius Gunardi, MSF. Pedoman dasar ini telah diterima dan disahkan oleh KWI dalam Sidang tahunannya, November 2005.... [more info]


Mengingat perkembangan Karismatik di Indonesia yang cukup pesat, tetapi tanggapan umat maupun pimpinan Gereja yang sering masih simpang-siur, maka dirasa semakin dibutuhkan bimbingan dan pengarahan dari pimpinan Gereja yang resmi, yang lebih jelas dan sesuai dengan iman Gereja. ... [more info]

What is ISAO : What is ISAO


30 Mei 2008


The VATICAN has recognized International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services ( ICCRS) as a body for the promotion of Catholic Charismatic Renewal, with a juridical personality, according to Canon 116, and approved the Statutes of ICCRS. At the International level, the role of ICCRS, as mandated in its charter from the Holy See, is to serve the worldwide Renewal in all of its expressions and identities. In April 2000, Pope John Paul II stated in a personal message, ... the task of ICCRS is to coordinated and promote exchange of experiences and reflections among Catholic Charismatic Communities throughout the world..

The facilitate deeper communion among different nations and expressions within the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, ICCRS has been promoting the concept of Regional Sub-Committees. ICCRS Sub-commitee for Asia-Ocenia (ISAO) was formed after 42 leaders from the Middle East, South Asia, South East Asia, East Asia, Australia, New Zealand and Oceania met together in Singapore on 9 and 10 December 2006 for a time of prayer, sharing, discernment and planning under the auspices of ICCRS.

ISAO serves the CCR in the Asia and Oceania as a centre of unity, communicationi and cooperation in order to fulfill Christ s desire, That they may all be one (Jn 17 : 21), and to keep Christ s body without divisions ( 1 Cor 12 : 4 - 31). The headquarters of ISAO is currently situated in Singapore. The ISAO is responsible for strengthening fellowship within the Renewal in the Asia-Oceania Region, convening consultations and events and also for reaching out and supporting those countries which are in need of guidance and help.


ICCRS Sub - Committee for Asia- Oceania ( ISAO)


Chairman                      : Cyril John ( India)

Vice – chairman            : Felix Ali Chendra ( Indonesia)

Secretary                      : Gerard Francisco ( Singapore)

Treasurer                      : Brendan Woodnutt ( New Zealand)

ICCRS member           : Most Rev. Joseph Grech ( Australia)

                                      Bro. James Shin, Sang Hyun ( South Korea)

ICCRS nominee           : Allan Panozza ( Australia)


    Informasi lain mengenai : What is ISAO :
  • ISAO Conference Information
    To effectively unite the forms and expressions of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in the Asia-Oceania region towards genuine renewal of the society and building up of the church. ISAO Conference information about The Objectives, The Venue,Travel and Visa,Local Sightseeing and Who should attend? [lebih lengkap ...]

  • A Letter from Bishop of Bogor, Cosmas Michael Angkur, OFM
    It is with great joy that I write this letter to invite you to the 1st Asia-Oceania CCR Leaders Conference being organized by the ICCRS Sub-Committee for Asia-Oceania (ISAO) in Kinasih, Bogor, Indonesia from Sunday, 14th to Thursday , 18th September 2008. The theme of the Conference will be “ Catholic Charismatic Renewal: Born Yesterday, Living Today and Growing Tomorrow”. The resource persons for the Conference consist of renowned international speakers. [lebih lengkap ...]

  • ISAO Conference Information for International Participants
    ISAO Conference on 14-18 September 2008 in Puncak, Indonesia, information for international participants. [lebih lengkap ...]

  • What is New in ISAO Conference

    For the first time in 40 years of the CCR, Powerful Liturgical Celebrations by Cardinals and Bishops, Inspirational teachings by International Speakers, Anointed Praise & Worship Sessions,Effective Workshops on Charisms, [lebih lengkap ...]

  • For Local Sighseeing after the Conference

    For Local Sightseeing afther the conference, you can visit some part of Indonesia by taking our tour. The travel support with 3 progrom: Jakarta City Tour, Bandung Volcano tour,  2 Days Yogyakarta, 3 Days Bali tour with special price for the ISAO Conference Participants. [lebih lengkap ...]

  • Soekarno Hatta Airport Map
    This the Jakarta Airport Map where our team will wait the ISAO Converence Participants dan drop them to the venue. [lebih lengkap ...]

  • GENERAL INFORMATION- about Indonesia
    This is the General Information for ISAO Conference Participants. [lebih lengkap ...]

  • Voice in the Wilderness?

    The title in this reflection is taken from one of the most intriguing verses in the New Testament. While the original version from Isaiah reads “A voice cries out: In the desert prepare the way of the Lord!” (NAB; Is 40:3), the Gospel version reads “A voice of one crying out in the desert: Prepare the way of the Lord. Make straight his paths! ” (NAB; Mk 1:3; Mt 3:3; Lk 3:4). It is indeed very intriguing for exegetes who sometimes pay attention even to little details like full-stops and commas. Yet, as we can tell, both versions offer different theological notions. Isaiah speaks substantially about something that needs to be done in the desert. The Synoptic Gospels tell us about someone who cries out in the desert. [lebih lengkap ...]


    It was Pops John XXIII that in 1959 in preparation for the Vatican Council II invited Catholics to join him in praying for a Renewal of the church by a new Pentecost through signs of  …. [lebih lengkap ...]


    Before I give my small homily, let me tell you a little story   which I know that you all know it already. 

    One day, one beautiful girl was sitting in her small and very soundless room. / She was alone.  I don t know whether she was praying or thinking something / but suddenly a young man come to her room and said:Assalamualaikum, ya Maria “Penuh Nikmat” (The old way to pray Hail Mary in bahasa Indonesia).You must know the whole dialog and the end of the story.  [lebih lengkap ...]

  • Catatan Romo G. Notobudyo, Pr dalam ISAO di Kinabalu , Nov 2011
    Bagi saya pertemuan ini sangat melelahkan, karena selama tiga hari penuh acara hampir nonstop dari jam 7 pagi sampai 10 malam. Tetapi hasilnya sungguh sangat bagus dan berguna. Sangat banyak kalau semua saya ceritakan di sini, Tulisan saya ada 14 folio. Kali ini saya hanya akan melaporkan yang bagi saya sangat perlu dan menantang. Topik ini disampaikan oleh Charles Whitehead mantan Ketua ICCRS. [lebih lengkap ...]

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