From 2nd December to 7th December 2016, there will be an International Training Course on Intercession in Surabaya-Indonesia, called: “A call to Prophetic Intercession”. The event of the International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services (ICCRS) is a gift to the Church in the eve of the Great Jubilee Celebration.
Our desire is to form a large family of intercessors worldwide. Intercession, being at the heart of evangelization and mission, is well rooted in the Catholic tradition. It concerns all Christians, not just those who are members of a particular group or movement.
St. Paul, as with the Ephesians Christian community, makes this appeal: "In all circumstances, the Spirit gives you to pray and beg" (Ep 6-18). May that request be an invitation for us to turn to the Father, in the Spirit of Jesus.
In accordance with St. Paul, Cyril John, a member of ICCRS, stated the following: "Catholics, Protestants, Evangelicals, Pentecostals and members of other churches agree that intercession is an urgent call of God for his people today. The Church and the world have an urgent need for liberation, only a fervent intercession can fill that."
This training is an invitation to grow in holiness, to develop trust in God in all things. This will be an opportunity for deeper spiritual reflection, meditating on the life of Jesus, the main intercessor. We will learn together, to open more fully to the Holy Spirit, whom dwelling in us, strengthens us and gives us all the tools necessary for intercession. Teachings, praise and worship, prayers of intercession, daily Eucharist and sacrament of forgiveness, will all foster for openness to the Spirit.
Some ICCRS Council members will be present: The President, Mrs. Michelle Moran (England), will be there, as well as Mr. Cyril John (India), outgoing Vice-President of ICCRS Board, former Council member and Course Director; Mrs. Anne Marie Gattenby.
Members of the Indonesia Charismatic Renewal Council will be present as well.
Several topics will be discussed such as: What is intercession; the repentant intercessor; the call and the urgency of intercession; charisma-tools for an effective intercession; spiritual combat in intercession; intercession through fasting; prophetic intercession; intercession and suffering; intercession through Mary; four wheels of intercession.
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