Michelle Moran is President of the International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Service (ICCRS) in the Vatican.
Michelle together with her husband Peter is a founder member of Sion Catholic Community for Evangelism. She originally trained as a teacher and taught in a College for 5 years before ministering full time in Sion Community.
In 1998, Michelle completed a Masters Degree in Pastoral Theology at the Cambridge Theological Federation. Her Thesis was titled "Leadership and Ministry in Catholic Parishes". Michelle has a lot of experience in Parish ministry. She led the Sion Parish Mission Team from 1985 until 1988 when she took up the post of the Community's Director of Training, pioneering evangelisation teaching and training. She has a great deal of experience of working full time in the Church, nationally and internationally over the last 25 years; her expertise lies in the areas of evangelism; communication and organisation.
Michelle has been involved in Catholic Charismatic renewal from her youth. She had a "conversion" experience and was baptised in the Holy Spirit as a teenager. She has ministered in CCR all over the world as a conference speaker and teacher. Michelle's first book "Pass It On" (practical hints on sharing your faith) was published in 1990. A second book, "Crossing The Line" (evangelisation in a Catholic context) followed in 1995. Since then Michelle has written numerous articles for Catholic and ecumenical magazines and journals.
Michelle is currently Chair of the NSC for Catholic Charismatic Renewal in England and Wales and President of ICCRS, the International Council for Renewal in Rome. In 2007 she was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI to be a member of the Pontifical Council of the Laity. One of her desires is to see the next generation of young leaders in CCR trained and equipped for ministry and leadership.
Michelle Moran adalah Presiden Pelayanan Pembaruan Karismatik Katolik Internasional (ICCRS) di Vatikan.
Michelle bersama suaminya, Peter, adalah anggota pendiri Komunitas Katolik Sion untuk Penginjilan. Beliau awalnya belajar sebagai dosen dan mengajar di Perguruan Tinggi selama 5 tahun sebelum pelayanan penuh waktu di Komunitas Sion.
Pada tahun 1998, Michelle menyelesaikan gelar Master di Pastoral Theology di Cambridge Theological Federation. Tesis-nya berjudul "Kepemimpinan dan Pelayanan di Paroki-paroki Katolik”Michelle memiliki banyak pengalaman dalam pelayanan di paroki.Dia memimpin Tim Misi Paroki Sion dari tahun 1985 sampai 1988 ketika ia mejabat dalam sebagai Direktur Pembinaan, merintis pengajaran dan pelatihan penginjilan. Dia memiliki banyak pengalaman melayani penuh waktu di Gereja, di tingkat nasional dan internasional selama 25 tahun terakhir; keahliannya terletak pada bidang penginjilan; komunikasi dan organisasi.
Michelle terlibat dalam Pembaharuan Karismatik Katolik dari masa mudanya. Dia memiliki pengalaman “yang mengubah hidupnya" dan dibaptis dalam Roh Kudus saat masih remaja.
Dia melayani Pembaruan Karismatik Katolik di seluruh dunia sebagai pembicara seminar dan memberikan pengajaran. Buku Michelle pertama "Pass It On" (petunjuk praktis membagikan iman Anda) diterbitkan pada tahun 1990.Diikuti buku kedua, "Crossing The Line" (evangelisasi dalam konteks Katolik) pada tahun 1995. Sejak itu Michelle telah menulis sejumlah besar artikel untuk umat Katolik dan majalah ekumenis dan jurnal.
Michelle saat ini Ketua NSC untuk Pembaruan Karismatik Katolik di Inggris dan Wales dan Presiden ICCRS, Dewan Internasional untuk Pembaruan di Roma.
Pada tahun 2007 ia diangkat oleh Paus Benediktus XVI untuk menjadi anggota dari Dewan Kepausan untuk Awam. Salah satu keinginannya adalah untuk melihat generasi penerus pemimpin muda di Pembaruan Karismatik Katolik dilatih dan diperlengkapi untuk pelayanan dan kepemimpinan.
James Alan Murphy is the founder and president of Vera Cruz Communications. Born October 9, 1952 in Wyandotte Michigan. His hefty birth weight of nearly 10 lbs earned him the nickname "Butch", by whichhe is still known to his family and friends. He attended twelve years of Catholic school at St Frances Cabrini School in Allen Park Michigan and graduated from high school in 1970.He completed his education at Wayne State University School of Social Work in Detroit and received his bachelor's degree in Social Work in 1976. The Social Work program specialized in studies and praticums for casework, group work, and community organization. Shaped by his father's vocation as a Sea Captain, Jim also received training as an undersea salvage diver at Diver's Training Academy in Fort Pierce, Florida. At this facility Jim was made a team leader of a dive crew and gained valuable experience and insight in working both with men and task oriented groups.
While still a senior in high school, Jim made a decision to surrender the rest of his life to Christ. That decision has had a major impact on every aspect of Jim's life. Murphy's interest in the world has found him prospecting in Alaska, doing archaeological research in Central and South America, and trekking around the world. His jobs have included grocery stores, restaurants, playing in a band, auto repair, salvage diver, charter boat operator, delivery truck driver, and construction. On one occasion he served as a body guard for Mother Theresa. Hehas been a guest on the 700 Club, the EWTN network,,and has helped create videos for national broadcast. Jim has authored several articles for various publications and has been a guest on several radio and televison programs. Jimhas worked in the Catholic Church in many capacities. He has been involved in youth ministry on parish, diocesan, national and international levels. He has served as a member of several parish pastoral teams.Murphy has also worked in Religious Education programs including adult formation programs. With the use of guitar, Jim often leads prayer and worship services.He gives parish missions, speaks at retreats, and consults for many parish and diocesan level groups in the Church.
In addition to his work with Vera Cruz Communications, Jim is the former chairman of, and currently a consultant to The National Service Committee for the Catholic Charismatic Renewal.He is a former producer of "The Choices We Face", a weekly televison program of Renewal Ministries. He is past Chairman of the Youth Executive Committee for the North American Renewal Service Committee, an ecumenical organization.Jim is currnetly the director of the Leadership Formation for the International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Service(ICCRS), whose offices are located at the Vatican, in Rome. In 1992, inspired by the American Bishops' letter Heritage and Hope, Jim undertook a 4200 mile journey on foot across America, carrying a 6 ft. cross in an effort of prayer and evangelization. The journey took 18 months...and 14 pairs of shoes! Jim is married to Susan.
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